Our mission represents what we want to do whereas our vision represents the 'why'. Knowing and understanding what is important to our community is the first step to creating the place we want to live. Over the past two years, MADCA has undertaken a community engagement process, in which we asked our community what would make Mapleton an even better place. This is what you said you wanted action on climate change, equality and social justice.
Our conversation about how to make Mapleton a better place never stops. We believe that the following criteria reflect what our community values most;
Our community is diverse. We derive from the original peoples of this great continent and from all over the world. When we value and celebrate our combined culture and heritage, our community achieves its full potential. The MADCA is always looking to empower the people of our community to create their own opportunities and to enjoy a healthy, safe and social life, no matter who they are. In order to make these things happen we must all work together and take responsibility for our own role in making things happen. Collaboration is key. People want to belong and they want to know what is happening and what should happen in their community. People want to live in a place that is safe and accessible, that provides facilities and supports a healthy lifestyle.
It is also important that as a community we ensure reconciliation between the indigenous and the non-indigenous community. Acknowledging our shared history enables us to create a united and connected community.
A healthy, thriving and resilient economy that provides opportunities for all the community whilst protecting the environment, enhances our social and cultural fabric. The MADCA believes that by supporting and creating business opportunities, we retain and attract talent which makes this community a great place to live, work, play, study and invest in. Our community wants reliable, affordable and efficient access to services that connect our community locally, increase visitation and help local business grow. The MADCA has a role in advocating for the communities needs at various government levels.
We live in a very special place. Therefore, it is important that as the current custodians of this place, our natural environment has a voice in all our decisions. We aim to be a local leader in supporting and encouraging environmental sustainability because we value our natural and built environment and recognise the necessity of living in balance with the natural environment. Our natural areas and parks are increasingly important and valued as our population increases. We also recognise that as the climate changes, we need to better adapt and build resilience and capacity to manage emergency events and work collaboratively to minimise impacts.
Strong leadership with an engaged community and effective partnerships results in well informed decision making. Good leadership, supporting people and community groups, encouraging active involvment results in active citizenship. The MADCA exists to serve the community. We recognise that the people of our community are the communities biggest asset. We seek to ensure that we remain connected and engaged with our community and other stakeholders. We also believe we have a role to play in developing strategic relationships with neighbouring districts for the benefit of our collective community.
We acknowledge the importance of ensuring that our projects are the right ones, well planned and delivered to meet the needs and expectations of our stakeholders..